HomeThe InfluencersThe Law Firm Marketing Club annual benchmark opens

The Law Firm Marketing Club annual benchmark opens

The Law Firm Marketing Club (LFMC) has announced the launch of its annual Professional Services Marketing Survey, inviting participation from professional services firms across the United Kingdom.    

The survey, designed to offer comprehensive insights into the professional services landscape, promises to be a valuable resource for firms seeking to navigate the evolving market trends. The LFMC Professional Services Marketing Survey stands out as an exceptional opportunity for firms to contribute to research while gaining access to critical data that can shape their marketing and business development strategies.    

By dedicating just 15 minutes of their time to complete the survey, participants will not only influence industry research but also receive the final report free of charge in April.     

“Our survey isn’t just another form to fill out,” said Sophia Stancer, Community Manager at LFMC. “It’s an opportunity for firms to actively engage in the ongoing conversation regarding how firms can do better, more effective marketing. By participating, firms not only contribute to knowledge sharing among peers, but also gain actionable insights to refine their own marketing and BD approaches, ensuring they stay ahead of the curve.”

What will you learn?
– What are the professional services marketing trends?
– What are firms’ investing in their marketing and what activities are they doing?
– What are the biggest opportunities and challenges facing firms? 
– How have firms fared over the last 12 months and what is their outlook looking forward?   

How can you use these findings? 
– Benchmark your firm’s approach to, and investment in, marketing and business development. 
– Shape your approach to marketing and business development. 
– Use the data to educate and inform your choices.   

As a token of appreciation for their involvement, every participating firm will receive a complimentary copy of the final report.     

To take part in the survey, which closes on 10 March, and contribute to valuable industry research, please click here.

Matt Baldwin
Matt Baldwin
Co-founder – Coast Communications

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