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Lawyers must become thought leaders to win battle for clients, research shows

Lawyers must become thought leaders if they want to attract new clients, but firms are facing resistance, a new study shows.

Three quarters (76%) of those surveyed for Passle’s Legal Marketing Leadership Survey 2024 felt the value of marketing was not widely understood across their firm. 

Many complained they struggled to engage their in-house experts despite demand from clients for good quality content and despite the majority of firms (76%) having their senior marketers on the board. 

Passle, the leading content marketing software provider for professional services firms, spoke to managing partners and chief marketers at 200 of the top law firms in the UK, US and Canada. 

It found that building their online presence by investing in digital and becoming thought leaders were their top priorities for driving growth.

Connor Kinnear, Chief Marketing Officer at Passle, says: “Law firm leaders recognise the importance of marketing, particularly content marketing, and how much it is valued by clients in helping them to keep abreast of relevant legal news and developments. 

“What many firms still struggle with is engagement from lawyers, with lack of a collaborative culture, time and technical skills cited amongst the reasons they do not get more involved.

“For some it is not seen as a priority, but it should be. They may not realise it but failing to invest in thought leadership could be costing them new clients.”

Almost three-quarters (72%) of the firms surveyed thought they could be better at showcasing their expertise. Seven in 10 did not think their marketing materials were up to scratch or that clients – even existing ones – were aware of the full range of services they offered. 

The research also found a disconnect in how often firms thought clients used their websites, with 73% believing clients only visited occasionally if at all.  A recent Passle survey of general counsel (GCs) showed that many use their law firm’s website as their main source of information, with more than half (52%) visiting it at least once a week and a further third (34%) at least once a month.

Connor Kinnear adds: “Clients want law firms that can keep them updated with relevant news and demonstrate their expertise in an engaging and accessible way.

“The obvious platform for this is a law firm’s website and those who don’t value the importance of regular, relevant content updates are missing a trick.

“Whatever platform you’re using, strong content is key. Thought leadership, in particular, can help firms differentiate themselves and, in such a crowded and competitive marketplace, is fast becoming essential for those who want to stand out.” 

The publication of the Legal Marketing Leadership Survey 2024 coincides with the launch of Passle’s new CMO Series Digital Masterclass, a spin-off from its hugely successful CMO Series Podcast, focusing on how firms can build a world-class digital presence.

To view the research results in full or to find out more about Passle, visit here

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